Fund & Grow

Can someone use Fund & Grow if they only have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)?

No, you must have a Social Security number.

Can I bring a partner?

Yes, each membership allows 1 additional partner to join for FREE.

Is there a discount for Novarise students?

Yes, you will get a $500 discount, but only if you use our Novarise link.

What are the requirements to join Fund & Grow?

Besides having a Social Security number, having a strong credit profile may provide you a better chance to obtain higher limits with better interest’s rates. However, it is best that you get on a call with Fund & Grow to have a specialist assess your case since we all come from different financial backgrounds. You can schedule that call with F&G Fund & Grow

Why did my personal credit score drop after applying for business credit?

When you apply for a new business credit card, it typically shows up on your credit reports as a hard inquiry.  Several inquiries could temporarily lower your credit. The good news is that F&G will work with you to raise that credit score again.

Why are the limits on my new business credit cards low?

There could be several factors affecting your limits. An example could be you not having a long personal credit history or you currently having low personal credit card limits, etc.  However, throughout your membership with Fund & Grow, their representatives will continue to work on your behalf to increase these limits and obtain new business credit cards.