7 Books You Should Read In Your Real Estate Investment Journey


The purpose of this article is actually to recommend seven books related to real estate. Now, before we dive into the list, I wanted to walk you through the rationale, my thinking process. I’ve repeatedly said over and over again in my prior videos that real estate is a relationship-based business.

Knowing about investing techniques is not enough for you to be the purple cow, the one who’s different amongst the power of investors. You have to be a well-rounded individual. By that, I mean you have to get a good hold of your finances, you have to be able to convey your ideas, be able to communicate with other people, and be effective in relationship building. That means that all of the books that I’m going to recommend are not entirely base on just real estate investing. Still, they’re meant to build you holistically as one competent and intelligent real estate investor.

That’s the same way I have a structure of my mentorship course for those who are investing in the actual course. During the first couple of weeks, what I do is just to build that base knowledge that you need, and then based off of that, then you just continue to pile up everything that is investment-related, so that way you have a solid foundation and you do everything from the get-go

1.-Why The Rich Keeps Getting Richer – Robert Kiyosaki

The first book I want to recommend to you is, Why The Rich Keeps Getting Richer. It’s a book written by Robert Kiyosaki, and I’m sure you already know who he is. This is a retitled book that was formerly known as the Comparesee of the Rich. It’s a very, very interesting book. It talks about the history of money, why the dollar gained so much power. Just to give you a quick recap, in the past, he used to be backed by the gold, and now presently, it’s backed by oil, and why it continues to have power? It’s only a matter of time before that could change.

He goes intense and to talking about diversification. He talks about how most people wind up not interpreting the concept of diversification right. He uses the example of orange juice, for example. He says well if you have an orange in itself, that’s orange but then if you turn that into orange juice, that’s the diversification of it, but in essence, it’s deriving from the same thing. A lot of people let’s say, for example, buy real estate, and they think that if I buy a single-family home or if I buy a multi-family property, then, in essence, I’m diversifying. He is breaking the myth and letting you know that that’s not entirely accurate.

Diversification means having enough sources of income from different sources that are going to make you a very well wealthy real estate investor or that investor in general that you want to be. The four categories that he talks about in his book have a business that is going to provide you with cash flow, also, having investments in real estate that it’s going to provide you with cash flow. Investing in the stock market but doing it wisely, and at the same time investing in commodities, such as gold, we’re talking about oil and stuff like that. That’s the true essence of what diversification means.

It’s very, very interesting. I highly recommend that you start up reading everything with that book because it’s just going to give you the base, the foundation for you to continue to move forward to the other books.

2.-Increase Your Financial IQ – Robert Kiyosaki

Now, the second book on the list I have for you is, Increase Your Financial IQ. Robert Kiyosaki also writes it. The book in itself talks about, once again, money. It seems to be a common theme around here, but it’s incredible how little people know about money. You think or most people tend to believe that if I have a lot of cash, a lot of money, then, that’s it. No, money in itself really can’t do anything for you. For example, let’s think about a very clear example that he utilizes a lot is, the story of people who win the lottery. You can make millions in one day by winning the lottery but literally tomorrow, you can lose it all because you haven’t really learned how to manage money.

The same thing with the stories about those professional sports players, who they manage to make a lot of money when they’re in season but then the minute they get an injury, all the sponsorship is ended, and therefore, you have nothing to live by. It’s essential. He talks about how before you even think about jumping into a real estate investment or investing in the stock market, that you must get a good grasp of your own finances, understand your current financial situation and see how you can take it from there.

Then, he also goes on and talks about the story of gold and how he bought gold for the first time when he was 25. Then eventually, the price of gold started increasing and he held on to it because he just got greedy, he just thought if I held this a little longer, then I can make more money out of it, and in the end, it’s just crash. Everything crashed, and he went up selling that goal for less than he bought it.

I’m sure the story sounds very familiar to you. Just up a couple of years recently, we experienced the same thing with cryptocurrency. That goes to say that before you even jump into anything, you must educate yourself on the subject and analyze history. Believe it or not, history is very important in helping you predict what’s going to happen going forward. Very interesting book, I highly recommend that you should check it out.

3.-MONEY Master the Game – Tony Robbins

Now, the next book on the list is a book written by Tony Robbins, and it’s called MONEY Master the Game. I wasn’t expecting that much quality out of this book, and I wound up buying it because I’ve heard a lot of noise about it or a lot of people talking about it. Because usually, when you think about Tony Robbins, you’re thinking, “Hey, relationship guru, how to live your life, how to be happy.” You wouldn’t necessarily think about Tony Robbins as someone who’s going to talk about finances and how to manage your money, and that’s right. What you will read here, it’s not solely his knowledge. He went on, and he interviewed the most successful people out there, real millionaires, and he brought their knowledge. He picked on the rein, and he put them all into this book.

He goes on, and he explains to you the truth behind mutual funds, and how people usually think that they’re doing a service to their money, to their savings, by investing their money in mutual funds. Then, in the end, people don’t get to see the number of fees that you wind up paying and commissions, and then when your left and your portfolio after paying all of those fees, it’s either maybe, the same amount of money that you invested in or sometimes even less. He also goes on and demystifies a lot of the things, a lot of the beliefs that we have about 401(k)s, and I’ve confirmed some of my suspicions at the time.

When I listened to this book, some of the things that I thought were wrong, but then when you ask people around, they tend to say no, you’re the one who’s wrong, I’m right. This is the way people have been doing it. It turns out based on this book, the confirmation to my suspicions was accurate. I’m not going to spoil it for you, and this is something that you should definitely take a look at. It’s written in very plain language, and he interviewed the best and the best. In fact, Warren Buffett is actually among one of those that he interviews in here. You should check out the book and read it, it’s great content.

Funny enough I never finished this book in the paper version because I bought it and I started reading it, just around the time that I started my masters. In the end, I wound up listening to it. I bought my Audible membership through Amazon and I ended up listening to this book while I was commuting to work, commuting to school, or maybe even when I was going to the gym. In essence, this book really surprised me.


Now, those first three books are what’s going to make up precisely what you need to build your foundation. 

4.-The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt – Dave Ramsey

Now, let’s move on to the topic of debt. A lot of us have been divided into the room. The people who love Dave Ramsey versus the people who are comfortable with managing debt. The next book I want to recommend on the list is The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt. As you have seen in prior articles, there are two types of debts. You have good debt and bad debt. It’s up to you to choose which debt you want.

For example, take a credit card. A credit card in itself really can’t do anything for you. It cannot do anything for good, or it cannot do any harm to you. It is based on how you choose to use the credit card, that you wind up with something that might hurt you or something that will benefit you down the road. For example, if you take a credit card and you buy, let’s say, a pair of Gucci shoes that are going to lose value the minute you walk out of the store then, that is a bad debt because you have to work hard to repay that money.

Suppose you use that money and invest it in real estate. In that case, you buy something that’s in real estate, or you buy let’s say, for example, a car that you can eventually rent out to Uber or Lyft where you can get so many back to put it in your pocket and also pay down that credit card debt, then that becomes a good debt. Then he goes on, and he says that for something so important, schools don’t seem to talk about it, and he goes on and shares an example of how a lot of college students start receiving offers to apply for credit cards. They get approved for credit cards.

When I was in college, I got my first credit card approval when I was 18 for $300. Relatively simple, and at the time, people don’t know how to manage it very well unless you’re exposed to people who have had a fruitful interaction with credit cards. At the time, when I got my first credit card luckily, I had this roommate who seemed to know enough about credit cards. One of the first things I learned from her is never to pay just the minimum, always pay above the minimum. That’s something that is not openly talked about.

People don’t teach that in school, your family certainly doesn’t talk about it because the first thing your family tells you is don’t get into credit card debt. Don’t get any debt. If you’re going to get in debt, make sure to be student loans because you’re going to get a degree out of it. The truth of the matter is you are piling yourself up in debt and student loans, but then you don’t know how soon you’re going to find your job. What’s the salary going to be like, and next thing you’re trying to pay down student loan for the next 10, 20 years. He talks about the importance of financial education in this book, and he breaks it down in a way that is very easy to understand.


He also offers tips to, unfortunately, people who have found themselves drowning in debt and how to get out of it in a way that is beneficial to you. It helps you to turn bad debt into good debt. It’s something that you should check out. It’s an excellent book. Now, after this we’re going to dive into the nitty-gritty of the actual essence of real estate investing.


The next book I have to recommend, it’s also by Robert Kiyosaki, and it’s The ABCs of real estate investing. Excellent book. I think the title speaks for itself, so you don’t need much explanation from me in that sense, but before you even dive into this book, I highly recommend that you try to get through the first four books first. As I said, the reason why I’m supporting the books in that same order is that it’s meant to help you build that foundation that it’s going to be necessary for you to make the best out of this book, the ABCs of real estate investing.

Once you get all of that knowledge in this book, what you’re going to do, you’re going to learn all there is about real estate investing. How to leverage successful relationships, how to build successful relationships. Where to look for the properties. What to look for in a property so that you’re investing into something that’s going to be a good investment for you and not just a simple random house that’s going to give you a headache down the row. Definitely check that out after you finish the first four books.


5.-Start Your Own Corporation – Garrett Sutton

Now, the next book I’m about to recommend you is Start Your Own Corporation. It’s also part of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series. It’s written by a member of his power team and the reason why I’m recommending this book is that I’ve always said over and over again in my channel that in order for you to be successful in real estate you have to manage your portfolio like it is a business. That way not only the IRS is taking you seriously but at the same time, the lenders are taking you seriously. In that way, you can get access to more and more funding.

Now, don’t let the title of the book confuse you because even though it says start your own corporation, it talks about all kinds of legal entities that can be applied in the real estate investing field. That includes well, corporations in itself. It talks about LLCs. It talks about sole proprietorships. It talks about limited partnerships. It’s very important that you learn the needs, the key concepts as to which one is which, and there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s more about you educating yourself so that you know which legal entity is going to be more beneficial to whatever is it that you’re trying to do in real estate. At the same time, you’re also going to learn how to build business credit with this book. Check it out. I highly recommend it.

Start Your Own Corporation.

Now, the next book I’m about to recommend has a lot to do with mindset. Once again you can have all the skills necessary. You can have all of the techniques, but in order for you to become a well-rounded individual, a well rounded real estate investor, you have to be holistically prepare. You have to understand how to manage money. You also have to know about real estate investing strategies and at the same time, you need to control your mind. You need to build on what it takes in order to be successful in this field.

6.- Before You Quit Your Job – Robert Kiyosaki

The next book it’s also by Robert Kiyosaki, and it’s called Before You Quit Your Job. Why is it important? A lot of us tend to be afraid of the word entrepreneur, “‘the entrepreneurial life”. You think it’s about you being broke for I don’t know how many years and all of a sudden become a millionaire in the next five, six or even ten years. You probably wonder what do I have? Do I have what it takes in order to be an entrepreneur? Robert starts his book with a fascinating story and how when he was little he went out to his rich dad and he asked, “Dad, are entrepreneurs just born entrepreneurs, or are they trained to be entrepreneurs?”

His rich dad replied. “Well, that’s a silly question. It’s like you asking me if people are born to be employees or if they can be trained to be employees.” Quite interesting, right? Then he goes on to talk about the story of how employees became a phenomenon of what it is today. He actually shares that employees were just popular, so to speak, up until recently in the industrial area because massive factories were being built and construction and basically, those big companies they needed to hire people. They started hiring “employees”, school started training people to be employees, but if you look before the industrialized area, pretty much everyone around us wasn’t an entrepreneur.

Let’s say for example, if you were a person who owned a butcher shop or a bakery, you were an entrepreneur. That’s why some of the most popular last names derived from that era, John Baker, John Smith because the person who was named after it was probably a name after his business John the Baker because this person had a bakery and John Smith and so on. Very interesting story. Then he goes on to say that it’s interesting how society has shaped us to be and make us believe that we don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Because even from the time that we are little, our parents, what is the first thing that they tell us? Study very hard, get good grades so you can graduate and find a nice job. No parent in history, at least not in Robert’s experience, has ever said to their children study very hard in school so you can become an entrepreneur. That’s not something they tell you. It’s a very interesting dynamic and then he goes on, and he shares part of his experiences so that way that can be transferred into you so you can understand, hey, maybe I do have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, and maybe what I don’t have I can either discover that along the way or I can just simply train myself to get it.


7.- Evicted – Matthew Desmond

Since you stayed until the end, I have a bonus book for you. That bonus book is a book called Evicted. This book is actually an eye-opener for me. It’s an excellent book that I highly recommend. It doesn’t necessarily talk about real estate investment, but it will help you look at real estate from a different perspective from a different angle. It’s written by a Princeton professor called Matthew Desmond. That’s his picture right here.

I had the fortune of meeting Professor Matthew at a speaking engagement he held in one of my own jobs. He actually was a guest speaker. That’s how I actually wound up getting a copy of his book. Evicted as you can see here talks about poverty and profit in the American city. The way this book is written, it was basically a social experiment. Professor Matthew what he did is that he shadowed, I don’t remember if it was four or five families, but he basically went on for a few years shadowing families who are basically in the extreme side of poverty, what it’s really like.

I remember he said during his speaking engagement that at the end of this book when he finally finished it, he had a feeling of like shame for himself and to what his life is. He was actually found not knowing what to do because there he interacted or lived with people who were on the extreme side of poverty for four or five, six years, I don’t remember exactly how long and all of a sudden he’s back with his family living the life of someone who’s in the middle-income class. He goes on and he shares about how the problem of poverty, it’s more than just the families who are poor in itself. It’s actually a vicious cycle.

He talks about the lives of four families or five, I don’t remember but people who were evicted over and over again and landlords who were actually in the market willing to provide those type of housing for people who are evicted. Fascinating facts that he shared. One of them was, if a family is evicted, the likelihood of them ending up in a place that is in worse condition and also even more expensive it’s actually double. If a family is evicted they will have to work even extra harder to have more money available to afford the rent, and that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get the best place.

The living conditions start decreasing but then the amount of money that you have to pay it goes up. It’s like automatically, that situation is setting yourself up for failure from the get-go, and it’s very difficult to carve yourself out of it. It talks about the life of a single mother who wound up addicted with her two kids, and every time they got evicted they wind up in a place that is worse and worse until the point that one of her sons started having behavioral problems because her kid. Is not getting a place that he can call home. At the same time, he is not being fed the proper way.

When he goes to school, if he’s lucky, he might get a hold of a meal that is offered by the school, but if he shows up to school late he might have missed this opportunity to eat, and therefore you might not pay attention. Then the mom winds up finding a job, but then all of a sudden she has to choose between buying a pair of Jordans for her son or just simply pay rent. We’re talking about a mother that has to decide whether she wants to disappoint her child or not.

I know that for some of you it’s a straightforward decision, “Hey pay rent versus Jordans. It’s a simple decision, why would you want to pay for Jordans?” We’re talking about our mom who doesn’t want to disappoint her child anymore because she already feels like a failure. She already feels that she failed her child once for not being to provide for food. She’s feeling like a failure because now instead of living in a decent place they’re in a place that is in a worse condition, and then the child doesn’t have a good chance of clothing to go to school because the other children are actually picking on her son.

Therefore she wants to give him something so he could feel proud of and that’s hence the pair of Jordans but then that led ultimately to another eviction. It’s very eye-opening. Then out of the entire trend of the life of these families that this professor started surveying or following around, he realized that there’s only one thing that could make you come out of this vicious cycle and that is love. As simple as that love.

Love for yourself and getting love from your family. He goes on, and he compares the different lifestyles of people who one received love when there were little, versus people who would not get access to that maternal love when they were little. They went on, and they compared the life. Let’s say, for example, another girl who wound up having a child relatively young. I don’t remember if she was 18 or19. This kid was not well prepared for life or to be a mother, but because she received so much love, it became natural for her.

Lucky for her she managed to attract a good guy the guy who wind up being the father of the kid was also a very responsible man who wanted to be there for her and their baby. Over time this mother learned to work hard to be there for her kid and, at the same time, went to night school so that way she could better prepare herself and just move forward and be able to provide the best for the family.



Just to give you an idea that this is not something that only affects people who are at the poverty level, it can also affect either one of us. There’s another story about a person who was here in this book that was making a six-figure salary. This person was a professional nurse and it turns out that just as simple as something that you perform at work. This person was in duty. He wanted to lift the patient and all of a sudden he wound up with a herniated disc which it’s extremely painful. He became addicted to opioids and drugs that were going to help him minimize that pain.

Overtime not only he got addicted, but he also got kicked out of his job because obviously he couldn’t pull himself back together but the pain was still there. Looking for relief, he wound up being addicted to other drugs cocaine you name it. He went from making a six-figure salary all the way down to living in a mobile home part. Sometimes even prostituting himself to get access to money so he can continue to drug himself and just forget about the pain, forget about anything else that it’s out there. Just setting yourself up for failure.

It wasn’t until a point where six, seven years down that road, down that lifestyle, that he realized that he could not continue living like that, and he reached out to his mother. That love that supports was what eventually got him out of that vicious cycle, but it takes a lot for someone to want to shift their page, and it just simply takes a lot. The book talks about yes it’s not a guarantee but you have higher chances of being able to flip the page and just continue with your life in a way that is successful.

Then he compares the stories of other people who were not successful, who did not receive that love and how they’re still stuck in that vicious cycle either until they just simply die or just continue to live that lifestyle until hopefully, one day they say enough is enough. I highly recommend it. This book actually changed my perspective. I started reading this book just around the time when I was negotiating my 17 unit purchase.

It gave me a lot of insight into what it’s like to be a landlord. It made me put things into perspective in the sense that it made me realize, “Hey, maybe this is not the landlord that I want to be,” or maybe, “Oh I can understand what this person did this but is there a way to do things better so that way we wind up with a better society.” Then this book in itself, it shares some of the tips that you can do as an individual whether you are a real estate investor or not, to actually want to do something to improve the quality of our life. Not just for ourselves but to our friends and people that surround us, whether there are strangers to us or people that we know.

So let’s say, for example, if you’re filing as a single person, and you made $80,000. You can still qualify, you just simply won’t qualify for the maximum amount of $1,200. You will receive a reduced compensation. In terms of dependents, there are no limits on dependents, as long as they appear in your tax returns. Now adult dependents and other dependents do not qualify. If you happen to have a child in 2019 but have not yet filed your taxes, you will not receive the credit for that child. Why? Because that child needs to appear in your tax return. Now in the event that you are wondering what you can do in order to get access to the recovery rebate, then let me tell you that you actually don’t need to do anything. So the IRS will use your most recently filed tax returns. Let’s say, for example, if you manage to get to your accountant, and you file your 2019 taxes, then the IRS will use your 2019 taxes.

If you haven’t filed any of your taxes yet, because maybe you were caught up in the middle of the situation, you don’t have the time, then what the IRS will do is that they will leverage your 2018 taxes to determine how much money you will receive. How you will get the money, it will also depend on what you actually chose in your tax return. Let’s say, for example, if you choose to e-file, and you requested the IRS to refund your money directly into your bank account, then what will happen is that the IRS will just simply deposit the rebate money into the account that you provided in your return, and if you provided a physical address, then you will get a check in the mail in the address that you actually provided. Typically, e-filed tax returns are processed faster, and therefore, you will actually get your refund money faster if you chose to have the money deposited directly into your account. I think I just got ahead of myself, so I already covered that.

If you’re making less because this is a pretty common question. Let’s say for example that in 2019, you made $100,000, and then for some reason in 2020, you make less money. Maybe you got laid off, or maybe your hours were cut down to a part-time basis. So in 2020, you are actually making less money than in 2019. What would happen is that you will qualify for a certain amount of money based on your 2019 taxes, but then when you file your taxes in 2020, you will receive the difference. Now, if you’re in the bucket of individuals who receive social security benefits, social security disability, or SSI, let me tell you, let me inform you that you also qualify for this benefit. If you have further questions, feel free to check out this article right here.

This is actually a great resource from taxfoundation.org, and what they did is they simply simplify the bill down to the most common questions that people typically have about the CARES Act and the benefits that you as an individual can receive. Now in the event that you were wondering how you can actually get access to this article, and if you can actually get access to this presentation, or this cheat sheet, don’t worry, I’m going to leave you a link down below so you can actually get a copy of this, so that way you can actually refer back and forth through the slides, through the pages, and use this information, and have it readily handy for whenever you need it.

The CARES Act also covers retirement funds. So you do get access to special rules for the use of your retirement. So withdraw your 401Ks, or your 457, or your 403B. In this case, you can receive up to $100,000 dollars in distribution for COVID-19 related expenses. The time to apply or to access your funds, it’s basically an entire year. So you can start it from January 2020, all the way to December 31. So you might be wondering, oh, okay, so we are already in April, when does that happen? It simply means that let’s say, for example, you took out $10,000 in January. If this was prior to any of this pandemic issue, any of this problem, so what you can actually do is to roll that $10,000 into that $100,000 distribution. For example, once again, let’s say you took in January $10,000. So that means you can still take out up to $90,000 in distribution for the entire year. You can use those funds to cover whatever COVID-19 related expenses, whether it’s medical cost, whether it’s to afford to pay your rent in the event that you lost your job. The term is actually for three years. You have three years to actually repay that money back.

You will not be held responsible for the 10% penalty, and you will also not pay any interest if you repay that money back on time, which means within the three years, there is no collateral or no personal guarantee that you need– Once again, the use is for COVID-19 related expenses. Now on the same subject, let’s talk about loans. On the prior slide, we talked about withdrawals. Now we’re going to talk about loans. The same applies to 401K, 457, or 403b. You still receive up to $100,000 in loans for COVID-19 related expenses. You will still have the entire year to apply for it. The difference here is in the terms. If you withdraw, you have to repay that money in three years as you can see here, but if you take it out as a loan, then you have up to six years to pay it, and your repayment is actually deferred for one year. The withdrawal, you don’t have any deferral. As long as you take it out, you have to start paying it.

If you take it out as a loan, then you will have one year to start paying that money back, so you have one less year to worry about any additional debts that you’re adding to your shoulders. Another difference between taking out a loan and withdrawal is that when you’re taking out a loan, you have to pay interest. When you’re doing a withdrawal, you have three years to pay it back, but there’s no interest that is added to it. Same thing, no collateral, no personal guarantee, and must be used for COVID-19 related expenses. I hope this video is actually providing you some transparency. If you’re finding the content valuable and useful, please do not forget to hit the like button so we can help this video rank, and help other people looking for this type of information.

What is the mortgage forbearance program? This is also part of the CARES act. I want to emphasize that mortgage forbearance is not to be confused with mortgage forgiveness. That doesn’t mean that if you apply for the program that you don’t have to pay that money back. You’re still held responsible for what you owe in your mortgage. What happens when you apply or request mortgage forbearance is that this program, what it does is that it allows you to pause or reduce your mortgage for a limited period of time due to the impact of the coronavirus. Once again, it doesn’t mean that the debt that you have is forgiven. The reason why I did not cover mortgage forbearance earlier is that I’m not a big fan of it. Why? Because you keep accumulating more and more interest, and you wind up paying more interest.

If you have the ability to keep making your payments, please keep making them, do not stop, because this is what happened. I have two examples here to actually give you a point of comparison for you to see why I’m not such a big fan of the mortgage forbearance. Let’s say, for example, you still owe $100,000 in year one. You do your efforts, you take advantage of unemployment, you leverage any of the rebates, you manage to find another job, you leverage credit cards, whatever is it that you managed to get, but you continue to pay your mortgage. By year two, you will owe now $90,000. The amount of interest that you will get charged in the mortgage will be based on the amount that you owe. As long as you continue to make the payments in your mortgage, that means that the interest is going to start going down slowly, but they aren’t going to go down.
If you choose to pause your mortgage or make reduced payments, so what happens is, let’s say once again, with the same example, you owe $100,000 in year one, and you took the forbearance. So you could have either paused or reduced the payment, and by year two, you could either still owe $100,000 if you chose to pause it, or if you took the reduced payment, then you will be still owing $99,000. I’m sure that if you were given a choice in how much to pay interest, you would much rather pay interest on the $90,000, and not on the $100,000 or the $99,000. This is the reason why I am not such a big fan, but I do understand that things can get really rough, and if you’re definitely running out of funds, you don’t want to risk yourself for being foreclosed on, or getting kicked out of your home.


– Link to recommended books : https://kit.co/novarise/real-estate-books

– Audible – (for audio books): https://amzn.to/2T8SWUw


– The best books for real estate investors: https://youtu.be/PEmUxaI3EHo

– Good debt vs. bad debt: https://youtu.be/DtnsrozX5QE


– All About Mindset and Efficiency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEmUxaI3EHo&list=PLbg0ENts-e2ukqEHOZRbDEgtFgE7UT-tU
– Going From 0 to 24 Properties Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2yubZzAIFI&list=PLbg0ENts-e2uUWnT-xF_fOk0ygj-pXXHN


Here is Novarise Latino: http://bit.ly/videosNovaRiseLatino


Learn how to invest in real estate without savings and still have enough to expand your portfolio, click here for a FREE training https://www.novariseinvest.com/webinar

For questions & consultations, please visit us at https://www.novariseinvest.com/

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https://youtu.be/0HsWe7kzk3Y In this video, you will learn about my methodology to select the best places to invest in real estate and where to go to get funding. I’m going to show you the tools I use to figure out where to go to find out the best properties, the best...

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7 Real Estate Investing Trends You Should Watch

7 Real Estate Investing Trends You Should Watch

https://youtu.be/swmhc2Ds8xg The real estate market is one of the most popular when it comes to investing. It is a highly profitable business that is constantly evolving, and that year after year provides greater financial benefits for those who decide to put their...

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Why You Should Buy A House Right Now And Not Wait

Why You Should Buy A House Right Now And Not Wait

https://youtu.be/XsR9oLdXNIU Today we are going to discover what’s happening with the housing market and why you should buy a house or invest in real estate right now and not wait until tomorrow or another year because you may think that the housing...

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